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Friday, July 23, 2010

Sticks and stones do hurt......but we must continue on.

Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way.
Luke 4:30

Recommended Reading
Luke 4:20-30

When Yogi Berra started playing in the major leagues, he was subjected to cruel criticism and cutting remarks. Fans and foes called him a Neanderthal man or an ape because of his odd looks and awkward style. An umpire inducted him into the "All Ugly" club. He was compared to a gorilla in flannels. He later wrote, "As the razzes kept coming, I just tried to ignore or play along.... Some of the opposing players would hang from the top of the dugout, like an ape in a jungle. I'd just brush that stuff off and tell anyone it didn't matter if you're ugly in this racket, because all you've got to do is hit the ball and I never saw anybody hit one with his face."1

Jesus was violently criticized after His sermon in Nazareth, but passing through the midst of them, He went His way.

When criticized, we must ask ourselves if the criticism is true. If so, we should change our behavior and learn from the rebuke. If it's not, brush that stuff off, trust God with your reputation, and go your way.

When you throw mud at someone, you're the one who is losing ground.

1Yogi Berra, Ten Rings (NY: Perennial Currents, 2003), 26.

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